

Hello and thank you for visiting.

  • Are you an Empath or  Highly Sensitive Person (HSP) who is looking for tools to cleanse yourself of others' energies and emotions?

  • Do you often feel motivated only to become easily overwhelmed or drained after meetings or social gatherings?

  • Are you looking for self-care tools to help you stay centered and balanced?

  • Do you often feel overstimulated and suffer from physical ailments as a result? 

  • Do you suffer from chronic physical pain?

If you answered yes to one of these questions, Reiki may be of help.

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As an  Empath and HSP, I learned tools to help manage my energy levels about 12 years ago.

I decided to look up a Reiki practitioner at a friend’s suggestion after I was experiencing a lot of stress in almost every area of my life.  After my first session, I was amazed at how great I felt.  Still in disbelief and not understanding how Reiki worked, I continued with my sessions. It made such a profound difference in my life, that I decided to get certified.  Now, my mission is to help others who are energetically sensitive heal from within and learn self-care tools to help create a more balanced life.  I am excited to get to know you and help you on your self-healing journey.